回复 :宏伟巨制《埃及艳后》票房失利,为扭转财政危机,20世纪福克斯公司于1962年邀请包括迪尔•马丁、希德夏•里丝在内的众多明星拍摄喜剧电影《双凤奇缘》(Somethings got to give),息影一年的玛丽莲•梦露,亦应邀担当主演。然影片开拍仅仅8周,梦露就因健康和缺席等问题惨遭换角,两个月后,这位传奇女星便因服药过量香消玉殒。本纪录片从这部未完成的作品入手,通过对主创人员大量的采访和拍摄中的大量影像资料,为观众再现了一代名伶玛丽莲•梦露人生最后的时光。
回复 :
回复 :“An ordinary story, told in such an imaginary way. The Angel and The Devil, competing about Nikola, a twenty-and-something womanizing student of the world literature, a city's wise-guy whose cozy way of life is being roughly interrupted by impregnating Marina, a clumsy high school graduate at a party, who wants to keep the baby, while Nikola believes it's not necessary. Generations in Serbia knows to tell this film by heart, and I highly recommend it to anyone abroad because it's a great way of meeting and understanding Yugoslav pop culture.It also has an outstanding soundtrack.It's Srdjan Dragojevic's film-school graduation piece which shot him into instant fame."