欧美A coming-of-age story of a girl who experience life through misadventures & dating apps.
欧美A coming-of-age story of a girl who experience life through misadventures & dating apps.
回复 :该片根据1592年7月8日在闲山岛近海发生的朝鲜水军击败日本水军的“闲山岛海战”改编,计划下半年开机。玉泽演饰演为拯救国家而努力的朝鲜水军林俊英。本片其他卡司还有朴海日、卞约汉。
回复 :东北澡堂老板崔大炮,相亲途中意外捡了个儿子回家,不仅脱单无望,还要替别人养儿子。好兄弟二龙和涛子仗义相助,热心帮大炮一起带娃,三个“糙汉子”稀里糊涂变成了单身奶爸,跟古灵精怪的熊孩子马豆豆斗智斗勇,一边养娃一边搞事业。在现实的重重矛盾下,三兄弟之间产生了一些嫌隙,心怀愧疚的豆豆决定悄悄离开,独自去寻找亲生父亲马大志........
回复 :A.J. Fikry's wife has died, his bookstore is in trouble, and now his prized rare edition of Poe poems has been stolen. But when a mysterious package appears, its arrival gives him the chance to make his life over and see things anew. A NYT Bestseller.