中文字幕A man with spiritualist powers is told by his mentor that a demonic entity is returning to destroy his daughter's soul, and that he should take drastic measures to prevent this from happening.
中文字幕A man with spiritualist powers is told by his mentor that a demonic entity is returning to destroy his daughter's soul, and that he should take drastic measures to prevent this from happening.
回复 :拥有一头金发的美女米兰达·威尔斯(裴淳华 Rosamund Pike 饰)是某医院的护士,她和同事们关系融洽,和善可亲。在预定好的相亲日子里,米兰达遭到送快递的小哥威廉·芬恩(希罗·弗南德兹 Shiloh Fernandez 饰)的强暴,从而身心遭到巨大创伤,生活偏离了常轨不说,还落下了手抖的毛病。在人生的最低潮,米兰达选择给正在狱中服刑的威廉写信,希望能见他一面。最初的几封信中,威廉都拒绝了对方匪夷所思的要求,不过他最终选择屈服。隔着一层玻璃,施暴者与受害者敞开心扉交谈。米兰达展现出圣母般温暖的笑容,威廉冰冷自卑的心仿佛被对方融化,对对方的欲望更加深了许多……
回复 :第一话:美丽的高中女孩富江(永井流奈 饰)被人杀害,不久却奇迹般的出现在校园里。她和男友高志(金子統昭 饰)出双入对,情意绵绵,同时又和别的男人纠缠不清。富江的轻佻让高志的青梅竹马美纪(田中千絵 饰)大为不满;第二话:摄影师森(奥野敦士 饰)对学生时代遇到的神秘美女念念不忘,他返回阔别了十年的家乡,意外邂逅了与心中美女有着同样面容的富江,他不自觉地沉湎其中,却拍下一张张恐怖的照片;第三话:上班族安田(吉田智則 饰)疯狂爱恋上了才认识一个月的富江,正当求婚之际,疯狂的男人太田(白井晃 饰)突然出现并要杀掉富江。安田渐渐意识到富江恐怖的一面……本片根据伊藤润二的同名系列恐怖漫画改编。
回复 :Follows a country music duo who seek out the private mansion of their idol and end up in a twisted series of horrors that force them to confront the limits they'd go for their dreams.