雨过Smart and quick-witted Julie is in her mid-twenties. She marches to the beat of her own drum and has her own manifesto: do nothing. And with nothing, she really means NOTHING: no work, no ...
雨过Smart and quick-witted Julie is in her mid-twenties. She marches to the beat of her own drum and has her own manifesto: do nothing. And with nothing, she really means NOTHING: no work, no ...
回复 :女孩六月(王艺嘉 饰)从已经过世的爷爷手中得到了一把价值连城的藏刀,为了寻找藏刀真正的主人,六月踏上了旅途。藏刀再现于世的消息很快就走漏了,包括弓箭(杨梓铎 饰)在内的很多文物大盗闻风而动。为了得到藏刀,弓箭隐瞒了自己的真实身份,偷偷的接近六月,两人结伴而行,没想到一路上遇到了数不清的挫折和意外,在共同克服这些艰难险阻的同时,六月的天真和善良也在慢慢改变着弓箭,令弓箭打消了抢夺藏刀的念头。哪知道就在这个节骨眼上,藏刀失窃了,而弓箭原本的意图也被曝光,愤怒和失望之中,六月和弓箭决裂了。
回复 :Simon Cotton as Ronnie Kray and Kevin Leslie as Reggie Kray , picks up the story of the infamous Firm as the sanity of the two brothers bring uncertainties to the there business plans . now with their empire in place, the brothers must now fight to keep hold of both as the obsession of one police officer becomes undeceived by the dangerous state of mind for Reggie and Ronnie respectively.
回复 :高中时的乐队组合一号国道成员,同时也是好友的浩彬丶敏宇丶秉泰丶英民。与年少时不同,长大成人后的他们,现在的生活变得沉闷无趣。最终决定放弃音乐的敏宇,决心最后一次实现年少时想要站在音乐庆典舞台上的梦想。做了10年无名演员的浩彬,因为初恋的伤害而得了失语症的英民,想要做乐队的秉泰,还有毛驴小壮一起,开始了一号国道最后一次街头表演旅行。从全罗南道木浦开始,到举行音乐庆典的京畿道加平为止,四个人做了要走路去的盲目决定,他们的旅途到底会如何...