回复 :A special sideshow torture exhibit has the power, according to showman Dr. Diablo, to warn people of evil in their futures. As skeptical customers are shown the greed and violence they're hiding, one of them snaps and kills Diablo. When they run off, we see the murder to be staged as part of the show. One of the customers has hung around to see this, and wants to make a deal with Diablo, aka the Devil.A very good anthology of tales, written by Robert Bloch and directed by Freddie FRancis, for Amicus, an icon of this kind of movie. The tales are uneven, sure, but they are all at least good, till the perfect final one, the Man who collected Poe, with Jack Palance and Peter Cushing, a great idea, and a marvelous tale to watch. Very good Burgess Meredith as Diabolo the Great, the host for these tales. Unfortunately for us all, this kind of movies are a thing from the past and today we don't get any more gems like this. A must see
回复 :故事起始于默片传奇露易丝布鲁克斯,她在1929年经典电影(潘朵拉的盒子)中会发现她走出银幕,朝镜头跳舞,她向我们道谢,因为有我们的观看使她的记忆再次生动。其他默片女演员也从电影片段中现身,讲述她们的故事,并与那些过往的人物互动。而每次有人观看她们的电影时,这些女人就会重生在这虚实交错的银幕上的照片与电影片段,彼此分享那一段段的记忆。
回复 :文学教授所罗门在女友不幸逝世后,郁郁寡欢,离职了一年。塞缪尔一直在遭受反复的噩梦:一个女人在一场奇怪的仪式中被残忍杀害。后来,如同梦境重演,一个受害者在相同情境下被无情杀害。 塞缪尔随即开始调查犯罪现场,遇到了也做过同样怪梦的雷切尔。 他们联手去揭开事件的真相,原来这一切和神话里的缪斯女神有关……