回复 :一名高中老师偶然间联系上了自己的一位即将去世的朋友,加上面临失业,这位老师必须重新找回自己的过去,找到他人生中对他来说真正重要的东西。
回复 :Nan-ja waves around a shaving knife in a blonde wig, black stockings and miniskirt when the sun goes down. Her aim is to slit the throats of men who have betrayed their women and made them cry. However, her true goal is to take revenge on Gil-soo, Jae-goo and Man-sik who made her mother bite down on bread while they raped her to death. Then one day, Nan-ja finds one of the men she's looking for through a heartbroken woman who was going to kill herself. Nan-ja kidnaps him and drags him to the basement of her hideout where she makes him play the trumpet. Nan-ja dances to the sound of the trumpet until she slits his throat and watch the blood spurt out from the trumpet. Her revenge has begun.
回复 :传说民国初,发生了一件血洗清风寨的大事件,起因是为争夺宝藏地,展开了一系列的杀戮、欺骗、阴谋、算计、背叛等等,从而暴露着人性的贪婪……一把把的飞刀和弓箭穿过层层树林,直射而来。躲避追杀的清风寨大少爷不小心摔倒,手中的藏宝地图和开启宝藏钥匙的铜如意失手滑落。眼看着追杀的黑衣人越来越近,清风寨的钱管家一把拉起大少爷,拾起藏宝图和铜如意,两人仓惶地朝不同的方向逃奔而去……血迹斑斑的地图和铜如意,随着时间的流逝不停变换着存放的地方。时间飞快的辗转到了现代2004年,一个古香古色的供桌上,铜如意不翼而飞,而供桌下流动的血迹,将我们引向一具圆目狰狞的尸体。