Fernando works in an oil tanker that connects two major Argentinian cities. He has a young girlfriend in one and a married lover in the other. As they both become pregnant, his life starts to disintegrate into obsession and violence.
Fernando works in an oil tanker that connects two major Argentinian cities. He has a young girlfriend in one and a married lover in the other. As they both become pregnant, his life starts to disintegrate into obsession and violence.
回复 :到大都市求職卻不斷碰壁的千秋,回到故鄉碰巧遇見了前女友青的母親京子。離婚後獨自生活的她,溫暖地安慰千秋,撫慰他疲憊的心。維持著不尋常關係的兩人,對彼此的慾望不斷增溫……
回复 :人气明星捷米从业以来,一直超强负荷的工作。为了摆脱经纪公司控制,他隐匿国外人间蒸发。外卖小哥捷布助和捷米长得很像,经纪公司老板郝嗨哟许以重酬诱惑捷布助冒充捷米,捷布助从此成为明星。但明星的生活并不像捷布助想象的那般惬意,不仅要健身、练歌,还要故意炒绯闻,蹭台湾当红艺人埃米的热点。随着与埃米的朝夕相处,捷布助爱上了埃米,他十分内疚将真相告诉了埃米。埃米被捷布助的真诚感动,芳心暗许。捷布助不愿再为郝嗨哟工作,向新闻媒体宣告真相,郝嗨哟震怒严厉惩罚了捷布助。
回复 :弘治年间朝纲政乱,大太监刘瑾掌权操控锦衣卫,排除异己逐杀正直官员,玄明玄月虽为同父异母的兄弟,但为了权利哥哥玄月对弟弟玄明大大出手。正直善良的玄明成为刘瑾实现野心的绊脚石,刘瑾想借助兄弟不和之事将玄明除掉,一场阴谋和手足残杀即将展开。