回复 :
回复 :因工作方面的原因,美丽妈妈秋山侑子(杏 饰)与丈夫拓水(つるの剛士 饰)、儿子健太(藤本哉汰 饰)搬到一个新的社区。在送儿子去幼稚园的途中,她懵懵懂懂进入了一个由妈妈们组成的社交圈,主要由家境优渥、光鲜好胜的本宫莉娜(木村佳乃 饰),趋炎附势、虚荣浮华的近藤真央(仓科加奈 饰),人生晦暗、委曲求全的安野千寻(尾野真千子 饰)和干练自强、随和聪颖的泽田利华子(凉 饰)组成。思维单纯的侑子在与这几位妈妈友的交往过程中频频触雷,无所适从。而这群妈妈们在强撑门面的背后也各自有着难以为人道的家庭烦恼与苦闷心情。对侑子来说,这个社区绝非一个充满阳光和快乐的天堂,而是丧失了自我的妈妈们紧紧缠缚、互相伤害的无间地狱……
回复 :Barnaby and DS Scott investigate the murder of Patrick Pennyman, an undertaker in the village of Fletcher's Cross. The man's wife thinks he committed suicide but the pathologist determines he was killed. The man died soon after his return home after attending a service at the local spiritualist church, itself the source of some controversy in the village. As the investigation progresses, the police learn that Pennyman was generally disliked. Former employees, business partners and others all had a grudge against him of one sort or another. Barnaby believes the head of the Spiritualist church to be a charlatan and while there is a link to the ever increasing number of murder victims, the solution to the crimes is to be found in an illicit love affair.