回复 :Lisa, a 17 years old girl, throws herself into porn and self pleasures due to stress from her worsening relationship with her recently remarried mother, who is also pressuring her to have a religious conversion.Her best friend, Sarah, is the only one who knows about her plight. They have a tight relationship, as they feel that the only thing they have in this world is each oth...
回复 :雨蓝和小妹回乡 途中被越狱的苏猛等人劫持, 小妹被杀害,雨蓝被义匪唐斩 所救,执意在 屠门镇 寻找高手 为妹妹追凶报仇。在革离、唐 斩的帮助下,最终追上苏猛等 人,挫败了其炸毁铁路火车的 疯狂举动,重新将苏猛绳之以 法。
回复 :一家少女收容所试图掩盖令人痛心的虐待罪行,这名步履维艰的记者锲而不舍地展开调查。