沈总上钩“Dasara” tells the tale of socio economic conditions, political ambitions and power struggles set against the backdrop of the Singareni coal mines in India’s Telengana state.
沈总上钩“Dasara” tells the tale of socio economic conditions, political ambitions and power struggles set against the backdrop of the Singareni coal mines in India’s Telengana state.
回复 :失意落魄的演员金俊淳(金相庆 饰)遭遇人生低谷,朋友邀他去春川散心。也因此,他结识了秀婷(芮智媛 饰),她对金俊淳心仪已久,为彼此结识感到高兴,他们的关系迅速进了一步。但是俊淳对她却没有更多的好感,赶着离开了春川。中途在火车上,他邂逅了少妇孙娅(秋相美 饰),双方谈得相当投 机。孙娅认识他,但俊淳一下子记不起在哪见过她。俊淳想着能进一步突破,尾随孙娅到了她家附近,并且再次约得对方出来。当他大表爱意,想着能和对方长久相好之时,上天却开了一个玩笑。
回复 :保罗(科林·费斯 Colin Firth 饰)是英格兰阿森纳球队的超级球迷,这么多年来,球队的每一场比赛他都未曾错过,亦十分关注球队的动态与动向。正是保罗对于足球的热情拉近了他与女教师休斯(Ruth Gemmell 饰)之间的距离,随着时间的推移,两人的爱情在足球的基础 上愈演愈烈。可惜的是,保罗将全身心都投入到了足球中,这让他在无形之间冷落了休斯,甚至当休斯身怀六甲之时,保罗也未能尽到作为一名父亲应尽的责任。悲愤之中,休斯压抑已久的不满全部爆发了出来,她和保罗之间的感情也出现了裂痕。阿森纳球队即将面临一场至关重要的球赛,它们能否取得最终的胜利呢?保罗和休斯之间的感情又会面临怎样的结局呢?
回复 :Martha and Félix are the children of the Butcher of Mons, a notorious Belgian serial killer from the 1990s. Unstable and riddled with insecurities, Martha lives vicariously through social media. Her brother, crushed by the family legacy, takes over their father's killings. Harassed and violently assaulted at work, the docile Martha falls into madness and goes through the looking glass into the strange and terrifying world inhabited by her brother.