回复 :该片是一部犯罪动作片,讲述了潜入犯罪组织的刑警“姜秀”(郑珍云 饰)和犯罪组织的“勇植”(赵在允 饰)以各自的目的成为一个团队的两个男人之间展开的团队合作。
回复 :受理哈里森大樓爆炸案生還者心理輔導的諮商師莫道克,與每位案主一對一面談後,警探突然找上門,表示整起爆炸案並非意外,希望莫道克能提供生還者的陳述內容,莫道克基於職業道德,絕口不透漏半點資訊。但他發現案主們對於爆炸案的記憶之間都有著細微的關聯。此時,曾提及因感受到家庭幸福絕不會自殺的案主史黛拉,竟被發現跳橋身亡,這讓莫道克想起蒙特內哥羅說過的話,開始對案主的陳述內容抽絲剝繭,卻也將自己導入險境…
回复 :If These Walls Could Sing arrives with the 90th anniversary of famed London recording studio.Universal Music Group’s recently-launched production house Mercury Studios has announced a documentary about Abbey Road Studios. If These Walls Could Sing will explore the legendary recording studio’s history in conjunction with Abbey Road’s 90th anniversary this November. The film is produced by John Battsek and directed by filmmaker and photographer Mary McCartney, daughter of Paul and Linda.“Some of my earliest memories as a young child come from time spent at Abbey Road,” Mary McCartney said in a statement. “I’ve long wanted to tell the story of this historic place, and I couldn’t be collaborating with a better team than John and Mercury Studios to make this creative ambition a reality.”