天天During the Cold War, a scientific team refits a Japanese submarine and hires an ex-Navy officer to find a secret Chinese atomic island base and prevent a Communist plot against America that could trigger WW3.
天天During the Cold War, a scientific team refits a Japanese submarine and hires an ex-Navy officer to find a secret Chinese atomic island base and prevent a Communist plot against America that could trigger WW3.
回复 :In this sexy and twisty ride, New York gallery owner Brooke and her moxia.cc husband Owen each face exceptional temptations, with most unexpected results.
回复 :本片为八十年代由蓝乃才导演的写实警匪片。故事讲述侦缉警长赵敬才(罗莽 饰)因一次行动,连累下属被劫匪击毙,而被上司指责处事鲁莽,改派督察邱正明(苗侨伟 饰)接办案件。敬才与正明办案作风迥异,冲突日多。职业杀手利子健(白彪 饰)受雇来港狙杀殷商徐文(王戎 饰),岂料行动时却误中副车,仅杀死徐文之助手;当徐文查得杀手为子健後,急欲除之。警方接获线报,即派正明与敬才率队出发,阻止黑帮火并……
回复 :此片为《白色杀机》的续集! 为了忘记一年前跟杰克弗罗斯特苦战的恶梦,山姆跟太太安及好友乔萝拉来到热带小岛度耶诞节,没想到在上次的追捕行动中和山姆的基因融为一体的杰克这次变本加厉,他的小雪球宝宝杀光了岛上所有的旅客。 安以会让山姆过敏的香蕉杀了所有的雪球宝宝,杰克因而誓言报仇,不但杀掉了饭店的工作人员,还一步步向安逼近...