回复 :居住在京都的喜多泽家四姐妹美丽动人,除大姐彩(紺野美沙子 饰)外,其余三个妹妹茜(浅野温子 饰)、杏(沢口靖子 饰)、蓝(富田靖子 饰)都来自孤儿院。在父母过世后,彩断掉了和恋人岩城(竹脇無我 饰)结婚的念头,全力担负起照顾妹妹们的责任。大学生杏青春逼人,她成为年轻小伙追求的对象。花剑部的柚木冬悟(宮川一朗太 饰)和樱庭谅(尾美としのり 饰)同时向杏展开爱情攻势,冬悟虽然得到美人的芳心,但他的母亲却因为杏的出身而横加干涉。杏和蓝从此得知自己的身世,她们为此苦恼不已。不久,杏的生身母亲绫小路良江(入江若葉 饰)来到京都,希望女儿能与她一同生活,喜多泽四姐妹面临分离的命运。另一方面,一向乐观的二姐茜被诊断患有绝症,她和对自己颇有好感的谅走到一起,携手度过生命中最后的时光……
回复 :Session Aces. Keepers of Time. Vocalists. Composers. The sidemen and sidewomen who play the riffs and fills we imitate in the air. When we turn up the radio, chances are we are listening to one of these players. A-listers have them on speed dial. International tour or recording session, who're they gonna call? A "Hired Gun." This feature length one-off documentary introduces the prolific musicians who are virtually unknown to the public. Billy Joel, Whitesnake, P!NK and Metallica are synonymous with their own artistry and success, but who is responsible for their instrumental solos? Who tours with them live? It is the consummate side players who kill it show after show, often playing circles around the actual band members. In "Hired Gun," viewers learn the firsthand stories from individuals who have mastered their craft and perform on the world's biggest stages. This film details the highs and lows of touring life, the demands of hectic session schedules, and the dedication required ...
回复 :每隔十二年,喜马拉雅山脚下的森林裡,挑选出来的人们戴上面具,隐藏性别,放下世俗身分,彷彿死去般的过著为期两週、与世隔绝的奇异戒律生活。在等待的日子裡,歌声无尽,舞不停歇,有人静心修炼,也有放不下尘俗的人打探彼此底细、无法抵抗原始的欲念。这是真实与虚假的界线,生与死的空隙,面具拿下即是毁灭。以《高山上的世界盃》一鸣惊人的不丹导演钦哲诺布,将修行求道转化为现代乡野奇谭,融合传说、禅语故事、舞台演出、梵唱琴颂等多重艺术形式,展开另一场悉达多的探索之旅。人性与神性的拉扯中,吟唱出千古不变的生命之歌。周迅、梁朝伟添画龙点睛的客串演出,更添意趣。「有时,我们必须创造幻象,才能让世人看见真理」──钦哲诺布