伊人A woman disguises herself as her dead brother, Henry, in order to survive in the Confederate ranks during the Civil War. He marries a widow to rescue her from an arranged marriage. They keep each others secrets and find true love.
伊人A woman disguises herself as her dead brother, Henry, in order to survive in the Confederate ranks during the Civil War. He marries a widow to rescue her from an arranged marriage. They keep each others secrets and find true love.
回复 :弗兰克(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是一名急救医生,这个争分夺秒的工作让他在日积月累间承担了许多无形的压力。弗兰克救过很多人的性命,但也眼睁睁的看着很多人无奈的死去。这一次,他的急救对象是一个名叫罗斯(Cynthia Roman 饰)的女孩,不幸的是,罗斯最终死去。罗斯的死给弗兰克带来的前所未有的巨大打击,他甚至出现了幻觉,精神濒临崩溃。在另一次抢救任务中,弗兰克遇见了老人波克(Cullen O. Johnson 饰)和他的孙女玛丽(帕特丽夏·阿奎特 Patricia Arquette 饰),波克的重病让他生不如死,在玛丽和波克的默许下,弗兰克主动结束了老人的生命。而对于弗兰克来说,波克的死带来的是解脱和救赎。
回复 :面色忧郁的前原茂雄(藤原龙也 饰)中学时代曾遭遇立花隆之介(忍成修吾 饰)等人的欺凌,刻骨铭心的遭遇让他从此有如“深陷于冰冷的海底”,无法感受到温暖的阳光。茂雄现在有一位女友手冢真帆(成海璃子 饰),而真帆的弟弟瞬(市瀬悠也 饰)似乎也遭受着欺凌。将这一切看在眼里的茂雄,仿佛目睹着自己历史的重演。不久,毕业15周年的中学同学会即将召开。恰在此时,茂雄心底升起一个可怕的念头,那就是用炸弹袭击同学会。他受伤的心灵从来没有愈合,而今更要将这份痛苦加诸于曾欺负过他或者冷眼旁观的同学头上。这究竟是谁的悲剧……
回复 :A struggling actor who seems doomed to lead the life of a loser. When finally gets a lead role as a superhero named "Badman," he feels like everything is possible but fate strikes again.