苹果An anthology series of self contained plays with a murderous theme, the twist being that the action is followed from the point of view of the killer.
苹果An anthology series of self contained plays with a murderous theme, the twist being that the action is followed from the point of view of the killer.
回复 :《马医》一剧是根绝朝鲜历史上真人人物白光炫故事改编,白光炫是著名的古代医生之一。“马医”是朝鲜时代对兽医的称呼,李炳勋导演的这部《马医》将讲述出身卑贱的兽医经过刻苦的努力,克服重重难关最终成为宫廷御医的故事。曾与李炳勋导演携手打造《李祘》和《同伊》的金伊英作家将担任该剧的编剧。
回复 :故事围绕大学生久住春彦(猪塚健太饰)和官能小说家木岛理生(竹财辉之助饰)展开。因为一场意外,久住春彦骑车不小心导致了木岛理生骨折,而暂无他法的久住春彦只能提议让木岛理生口述写小说。两人之间你侬我侬的纠缠情感就此上演。
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