回复 :你有没有想象过在核子爆炸后或是巨型彗星碰撞后的驾车体验?也许没有人认真思考过。本片将告诉你答案。快来加入Richard Hammond和James May一起体验一场惊心动魄的旅程,你将看到如何在核子冬天的永久黑暗中驾车去上班;在只有两名车手的情况下,如何让赛车运动依然保持原有的激烈和刺激;如何让你的爱车突破最后的审判日的野蛮枪林弹雨;当地球上只剩下一罐汽油时,你会如何驾车出行,等等等等。
回复 :A shy teenager accidentally kills a mocking peer, and his mother helps him hide in a spare room in their house. Problems arise when the mother goes for an operation and dies, and the house is sold to a new family, with the teen still living inside. Written by Kyle PalkowskiScott Jacoby, a nerdy high school youth, accidently kills a neighbor's young daughter. Panicking mother, Kim Hunter, fears the police will not believe that it was an accident. She moves her son into a bathroom that she turned into a secret hiding place. After her death, a new family moves in. In the mean time, Ronald has gotten lost in a fantasy world created in his own head from being hidden away for so long. Written by Humberto Amador
回复 :The plot of the film sees a U.S. military veteran — Sergeant Rick Pedroni — return home changed and dangerous after a tour of duty in Afghanistan where he suffered an attack by a mysterious force. While officials dismiss his behavior as PTSD, and order trauma therapy, Rick's wife Kate discovers her husband has been possessed by a malevolent spirit. Kate has to race against time...