回复 :程浩(吴镇宇 饰)、姚家成(温兆伦 饰)和杨志彪(陶大宇 饰)是生活在同一个村庄的不良少年,三人整日厮混在一起,日子过得浑浑噩噩但也充满了快乐。终于,胡作非为惯了的三人捅了篓子,程浩自愿出头,为姚家成和杨志彪顶罪,最终进入了少年感化院。程浩的义气感动了姚家成,他发誓从此不再乱来,好好做人,可是,杨志彪却并不这么想,恰恰相反,他的坏事越做越大,最终成为了毒贩,三人就此分道扬镳,不再联系。出狱后的程浩,无论是感情还是事业都十分不顺,一次偶然中,他同杨志彪重逢了,一拍即合之下,两人走上了运毒贩毒的不归之路。
回复 :When a broken hearted boy loses the treasured wooden nativity set that links him to his dead father, his worried mother persuades a lonely ill-tempered woodcarver to create a replacement, and to allow her son to watch him work on it. The commission takes their relationship to unexpected places as the young client makes greater and more difficult demands of the woodcarver's ability, and as Christmas approaches, the three struggle to come to terms with each other, their painful memories and the process of putting their unhappiness behind them.Written by Anonymous
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