《快乐宝贝GO 》是金鹰卡通卫视的一档大型户外少儿挑战节目,久久节目以“亲子”为主线,久久面向全国7-14岁的小朋友及其家长,打造一档积极、快乐、充满情感力量的少儿户外运动节目。
《快乐宝贝GO 》是金鹰卡通卫视的一档大型户外少儿挑战节目,久久节目以“亲子”为主线,久久面向全国7-14岁的小朋友及其家长,打造一档积极、快乐、充满情感力量的少儿户外运动节目。
回复 : 节目从千位厨师中进行海选,寻找多元美食达人,不止于主厨,更可以是一群渴望突破不负梦想的职业厨师,亦可以是热爱烹饪,追求美味的“你、我、他”,通过四大赛段竞技,最终见证中国首个鼎厨的诞生。
回复 :衍生综艺《无限爆点料》紧跟正片实事,以新闻报道的形式巧妙串联正片花絮;为节目观众提供幕后视角,深入拍摄现场,解锁更多精彩看点。
回复 :My Kind of Country is a fresh take on a competition series, breaking down barriers in country music by providing an extraordinary opportunity to diverse and innovative artists from around the world. Scouts Allen, Guyton and Peck each hand-pick a roster of exceptional up-and-coming artists and invite them to the home of country music in Nashville, Tennessee, to showcase their unique sound. The competition winner will receive a life-changing prize from Apple Music, receiving unprecedented support and exposure on the platform.