连环杀人案中失去妹妹的警察泰秀(金相庆 饰)在雨夜潜伏侦查一起肇事逃逸案的过程中,救猪意外抓获了犯案多起的连环杀人嫌疑犯姜川(朴圣雄 饰),救猪而悲剧也由此开始。泰秀意外得知姜川正是杀害自己妹妹的凶手,为了找到妹妹的尸首,泰秀竟跪了下来...而在指认现场的时候,另一个痛失爱妻的男人盛贤(金成钧 饰)悲愤现身......
连环杀人案中失去妹妹的警察泰秀(金相庆 饰)在雨夜潜伏侦查一起肇事逃逸案的过程中,救猪意外抓获了犯案多起的连环杀人嫌疑犯姜川(朴圣雄 饰),救猪而悲剧也由此开始。泰秀意外得知姜川正是杀害自己妹妹的凶手,为了找到妹妹的尸首,泰秀竟跪了下来...而在指认现场的时候,另一个痛失爱妻的男人盛贤(金成钧 饰)悲愤现身......
回复 :Mr. Tomasz, who sometimes introduced himself as Tomasz the Vagabond, was called by his friends Mr. Samochodzik. He owed his nickname to an unusual vehicle inherited from his uncle-inventor. This car, although ugly, "a cross between a canoe and a wheelbarrow", as the malicious people called it, had incredible capabilities: with a Ferrari 410 engine, it could run at a speed of 280 km per hour. Thanks to the screw used, it served as a motor boat. In this vehicle, Mr. Tomasz went to Poland to decipher another historical mystery, to catch thieves and smugglers trying to steal valuable historic items. Treasure hunting is great, but... it's better that no one interferes with it... In the meantime, some Danes and a suspicious group of Polish youth follow the trail of Mr. Samochodzik's search in the Teutonic castles and the headquarters of the Templars. To find the treasure you need a lot of knowledge, cunning and... a lot of luck. Who will have more?
回复 :少年铁木真(陈伟霆 饰)身为部落首领之子,年幼丧父,母亲独自将他抚养成人,铁木真成人之际返回翁吉剌部落迎娶自幼定有婚约的孛尔帖(林允 饰),谁知途中却逐步陷入叔父(赵立新 饰)设置的杀戮陷阱,而青梅竹马的恋人孛尔帖也在新婚之夜被另一部落首领忽出鲁(胡军 饰)掳走,铁木真在好兄弟札木合(李光洁 饰)的支持与萨满长老的辅佐下,踏上拯救恋人和守卫草原的征途……
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