战魂Phobia is a 2017 British/Italian horror anthology film produced by Tony Newton.The film delves into the horrors of an individual phobia via each segment.
战魂Phobia is a 2017 British/Italian horror anthology film produced by Tony Newton.The film delves into the horrors of an individual phobia via each segment.
回复 :A documentary about writer and director Brian De Palma.
回复 :导演率领拍摄组来到神秘的骷髅岛开始了一部电影的拍摄,女主角是漂亮娇小的安(娜奥米•沃茨 Naomi Watts 饰),她在纽约的演艺事业陷入了低谷,这是她时来运转的大好机会。他们乘坐轮船来到岛上,却不知在岛上即将要险象横生。正当导演要开始开机拍摄时,他们遭到了当地土著的袭击,几个随行人员遇难身亡。摄制组慌忙逃离,幸好起航离去,却发现不见了女主角安。原来安土著野人抓走,被当作祭品。安尖声惊叫,引来了传说中骷髅岛的猩猩——金刚的关注。金刚在岛上很有霸气,连恐龙都要忌它几分。然而,野兽爱上了美人,金刚搭救安脱离困境,不料却让自己陷入了一场悲剧。
回复 :With a feel for 1970s dramas and a dash of Swedish film sweetness, "Leather" tells the story of Birch, a young mountain man living in the Catskills, who reconnects with his childhood friend from the city, Andrew.