久久Two young women find themselves at an abandoned camp in the woods with a book of magical spells surrounded by classic monsters in this comedic send up of '80s horror films.
久久Two young women find themselves at an abandoned camp in the woods with a book of magical spells surrounded by classic monsters in this comedic send up of '80s horror films.
回复 :一个作家在他的一本关于致命杀手的处女作被出版社从小说改成了纪实之后,发现他陷入了一个他笔下主角的世界,为了生存他必须扮演起他自己的角色。
回复 :共和国早期科教片链接:https://b23.tv/av55736947/p25
回复 :夜黑风高,石道长与徒弟偶遇群僵发狂,吸食斩首阴兵,出手平乱后发现有人借阴兵过路偷运鸦片的阴谋。师徒二人受府台所托调查真相,途中救下了被借尸冥婚迫害的妙龄新娘,一同前往传出养尸秘闻的南丫村。在这个鬼气森森的神秘村落里,死去的参将诈尸复活,失传已久的五行炼尸大棺阵中跳出食人血僵,石道长摆阵作法也遭群魔冲破。危机四伏中,一行人能否逃出生天,他们又要如何揪出以毒祸国的幕后黑手?