回复 :出身贫穷就要被欺负吗?听力障碍就要遭受嘲笑吗?少年英雄梦一定是奢望吗?就算开局一把烂牌,我也非要打出王炸![努力]8月28日16:00,看听障少年逆风翻盘战至巅峰,热血诠释爱和勇气的意义!#龙拳小子第二部# 爱奇艺全网首播,敬请期待!
回复 :故事发生在1996年之前的香港,女主雪莉在自己的婚礼现场遭遇劫匪挟持,并目睹丈夫死于匪徒枪下。无法走出阴霾的她现于一家射箭馆任职。台风之夜,她意外滞留楼内,目击同一帮匪徒在大厦内杀人,她也不慎暴露了自己的踪迹,在惊惶不安的逃亡过程中,她意外遇到了同为滞留者的盲眼老人南哥,两人一边抵抗匪徒的无情追杀,一边设法逃离这栋噩梦般的大厦。然而穷凶极恶的匪徒竟要杀人灭口,雪莉与南哥在信号中断、出口全部被封的大楼内,苦苦找寻着活下去的办法……
回复 :A portrait of a man who analyses his life on his 44th birthday. The past and the present, the actual and potential developments blend in a dreamy vision. "The protagonist seems to assume that travelling in time is possible, and things happen in an imaginary, invented time which he fittingly adjusts and changes", said Konwicki in the Film Press News 1/1972. The film is a formally complex analysis of what is commonly referred to as the Polish fate. Awards: 1972 - The Warsaw Mermaid of the Film Critics' Club at the Polish Journalists' Association in the feature film category; Special Jury Award at the Lubuskie Film Summer in Lagow; 1973 - Special Award for Screenplay at the San Remo Film Festival.