回复 :放著顶级豪门,医药世家的少爷不当,我偏偏就要当个外卖小哥!赶着和老婆约会,沒想到她居然要和我离婚!同意离婚后我平步青云,她却又开始后悔倒追我
回复 :宋代著名才女蘇小妹 (赵雅芝饰) 才学不亚於胞兄蘇东坡 (谭炳文饰) 学士, 以择偶条件甚高,左挑右选,始终未能找到合心意的对象。而蘇东坡与好友佛印大师 (郑则士饰) 则意属才子秦少游 (任达华饰) 成为蘇家东床快婿,於是施尽千方百计,誓要将二人撮合。可惜事与愿违,蘇小妹与秦少游竟在一次误会下,成了一对斗气冤家,蘇小妹更处处与秦少游作对,令身为兄长的蘇东坡非常头痛
回复 :Sarah Lancashire returns in the acclaimed BBC thriller written by Sally Wainwright. No-nonsense police sergeant Catherine Cawood is back heading up her team of dedicated police officers in the Calder Valley in West Yorkshire. While on duty, she makes a gruesome discovery – a body. The victim’s injuries bear a striking similarity to a string of other murders over the previous few months, suggesting a serial killer is on the loose. But the case becomes even more shocking when it emerges that Catherine knows the victim – something that could have serious repercussions for both herself and her family.