回复 :In the year 2961, the time is after humanity and nature has recovered the land. A hunter named Cygnus is called to rise above his duty. He provides for Last Arc, a once nomadic band of survivors in need of food and water that is now growing scarce. The answer must be found before a group of outlandish Heretics descend upon them. Cygnus must voyage across the treacherous landscape to defend his people. Sent by Nova, the matriarch of the band, she acts based on her vision for Cygnus to find a seed of hope. The future of Last Arc is for him to discover, Cygnus ventures into a hostile landscape in search of an answer for his people. On this journey of encountering many traps and dangers, Cygnus discovers what has been hunting him is his identity.
回复 :王小丁(贾景晖 饰)是替某网站工作的摄影记者。生活里,王小丁总是一副吊儿郎当的样子,没有任何一件事情能够让他上心,无论是对待工作还是人际关系,王小丁都是无所谓的态度,整天浑浑噩噩的混日子。王小丁的现状连神仙都看不下去了,于是派出了缞神(赵骏 饰)来到他的身边,希望能够帮助他重新找回生命的意义。可是很快缞神便发现,王小丁的无赖远远超过了他的预期,他竟然对他毫无办法。缞神决定收回王小丁做人的权利,将他打入地府,直到此时王小丁才意识到事情的严重性。为了重新回到人间,王小丁答应缞神完成七个任务,但这七个任务对于王小丁来说,却是几乎不可能完成的任务。
回复 :子茗(苏永康 饰)即将向女友Juliana(罗梓瑄 饰)求婚,身为子茗的助理颂恩(赵荣 饰)发现自己原来早已深爱上这个对工作认真,对女友专情的上司。求婚夜,Juliana却拒绝了子茗的求婚,颂恩却发现了Juliana的离开是因为患了肝癌,深爱子茗的颂恩毫不犹豫的决定……乐童(邓丽欣 饰)是台球界的新星,出杆利落,然而她在情感方面却和利落这词毫无关系。前男友的离世是乐童不肯面对的现实,逃避的心态甚至让乐童产生眼疾。她唯有寻求眼镜验光师博文(何炅 饰)的帮助……面对痛苦的过去,似乎是唯一的选择……岩雨涵(赵柯 饰)故意与市场总监冯总斗气而出走云南,誓要找到传说中能使人青春永驻的神奇花朵——雪莲花,以此作为拍广告的道具。跟随旅行团安排来到山区后,岩雨涵与热爱生命和美女的导游小天(方力申 饰)成了斗气冤家。但两人的友谊和默契也却在这次寻找雪莲花的过程中不知不觉地出现……