回复 :郑和的妻子被发现死亡,他涉嫌谋杀,但对晚上的事一无所知。他的记忆会恢复吗?他是无辜的吗?韩国导演的一部轰动一时的处女作。
回复 :Duccio Tessari's rare Giallo starring Helmut Berger, Giancarlo Sbragia, Evelyn Stewart, Silvano Tranquilli & Carole Andre. A young student is murdered in a park by an unseen assailant during a heavy thunderstorm. The murderer makes his escape, but is identified by a number of people at the park exit. A sports presenter from a local TV channel, Alessandro Marchi, is quickly arrested, and despite protestations of innocence, is charged with the murder.Marchi calls his lawyer, who promises to have him released very soon, but when it comes to the trial the lawyers case is a weak one, full of holes, and Marchi is duly found guilty.All is not what it seems and it soon becomes apparent that the lawyer is having an affair with Marchi's wife and obviously does not have Marchi's best interests at heart…
回复 :上世纪八十年代,恶名昭著的“三不管”地带九龙城寨中黑帮盘踞,危机四伏。落难青年陈洛军(林峯 饰)因逃难误闯,意外被“大人物”龙卷风(古天乐 饰)搭救,更结下真挚兄弟情义。与此同时,觊觎城寨许久的恶人帮掀起了一轮轮夺寨狠斗,保卫家寨的高燃热血之战随即爆发!本片根据余儿原著小说《九龙城寨》改编。