回复 :错过与朋友的会面后,失眠的阿富汗老人Qasem在城市的夜晚中漫游,他试图去山上找当年和朋友一起见过的石头。
回复 :Griffin Dunne’s years-in-the-making documentary portrait of his aunt Joan Didion moves with the spirit of her uncannily lucid writing: the film simultaneously expands and zeroes in, covering a vast stretch of turbulent cultural history with elegance and candor, and grounded in the illuminating presence and words of Didion herself. This is most certainly a film about loss—the loss of a solid American center, the personal losses of a husband and a child—but Didion describes everything she sees and experiences so attentively, so fully, and so bravely that she transforms the very worst of life into occasions for understanding. A Netflix release.
回复 :陈村总(甄子丹 饰)之父是为人悭吝的盐商,因村总在村中读书,颇得父亲偏爱,不好命的大哥油饼则只能在父亲的盐场做苦工,但村总仍视大哥为至亲,不时帮忙做工。村总身手矫健,为人乐出风头,在学校将一富户家的公子哥惩治,公子哥埋伏村总却又被打至重伤。富户大怒,雇请哑杀手铁无情杀害村总一家。铁无情在村总外出时杀死其父兄。村总无家可归,流落江湖偶遇太极功夫在身的布袋戏艺人(袁祥仁 饰),并被其强迫做了夫妻俩家中的苦工,艺人妻子胖梅(沈殿霞 饰)同样是一位功夫高手,村总在二人家中做工,终于不堪劳累出走。铁无情追杀村总,村总不敌只得逃回布袋艺人家,自此村总苦学太极,矢志为父兄报仇……