回复 :一對離亂中的男女受盡折磨,幾經辛苦,唐琪(林黛)得知男友張醒亞(關山)下落便放棄歌女生涯,由天津跑到重慶找他。但醒亞嫌她墮落風塵,對她奚落一番。又與校花美莊(丁紅)訂婚,後來做了戰地記者。平津戰事告急,醒亞赴台逃難中鎗留醫,美莊背棄他。醒亞萬念俱灰……。此片是影后林黛去世前最後的作品。
回复 :Social realism regarding struggles of reservation-dwelling Native Americans in the North Central states of the US. Main character is an introspective and lovable person in a process of seeking pride and identity through tradtional and mystical means of gathering power. His high school friend, who is a Vietnam War Veteran, is exerting power as a highly principled social activist, using a modern rational materialist adversarial model of progress.
回复 :在未来的某个时候,环境过度破坏的来临。造成大量人类死亡。富人能够建立黑社会,穷人只能留在地面上建立帮派维持生存。杰森斯托姆,一名黑社会警卫得知一个杀害所有在地表的人类的阴谋。他需要逃到地表,并赢得了苏迈,一位受人尊敬的武术大师作为他的盟友,阻止这肮脏的阴谋