回复 :没落的护龙一族最后血脉封易凡,意外吞下了祖传秘宝九龙混天珠,神奇的诞下天赋异禀的龙九子,九子生便能语,各有不同,传说得此九人血肉炼化合一便可获得永生,于是遭到多方邪恶势力觊觎,由此一家人踏上了爆笑的逃亡之旅,逃亡途中经历生离死别让一家人得到了成长,也让天赋异禀的九子明白每个人存在的责任与使命,最终齐心协力守护人间。
回复 :大型历史电影史诗《解放》由五部电影组成。电影第五部是《最后一击》。战争的最后几天,战斗在德国国会打响,红军争夺了每一米的土地、每一层楼,最后,苏联红军在德国国会上插上了旗帜。第一批捷报已经发出,本片的主角在政府大楼的入口处相遇。
回复 :A night of unimaginable terror awaits twelve-year-old, Bobby, and his best friend, Kevin, when they are abducted on their way home from school.Managing to escape his confines, Bobby navigates the dark halls, praying his presence goes unnoticed as he avoids his captor at every turn. Even worse is the arrival of another deranged stranger, whose mysterious arrangement with the kidnapper may spell certain doom for Kevin.With no means of calling for help and miles of dark country in every direction, Bobby approaches a difficult crossroad: take his chances in the fields, or find a means to free his friend. Unable to leave Kevin behind, Bobby embarks on a rescue mission, determined to get them both out alive… or die trying.