回复 : “这是一条你根本不想走的路”。丧尸肆虐,各方出手,危机四伏,“死亡竞赛”通向大结局。
回复 :Ellenor is called to the house of her close friend, Senator Keith Ellison, where she finds the dead body of a man in his bed. The senator claims to shooting the man, thinking he was raping his wife, not realizing they're actually having an affair. In a sensational trial, full of twists and turns, Helen and new ADA Alan Lowe try to prove the senator murdered the man in a fit of rage - but no one is ready for the real truth behind this crime.
回复 :海昌是我国新兴沿海城市,也是境外间谍组织关注的重点,随着国安局一名侦察员的意外失踪,拉开了一场反谍大战,李厅长(巫刚 饰)责成武梅(刘佳 饰)组成专案组进行调查。一艘渔船在我“探索一号”科考船附近意外打捞起一只奇形怪状的“水母”,深海研究院的总工程师岳诚(李进荣 饰)率众专家对其展开了攻关。境外间谍头目彼得森命令海昌潜伏特务王维韬(王志文 饰)不惜一切代价夺回隐藏在“水母”中的核心机密。经过一番斗智斗勇,狡诈的王维韬最终落入法网,但武梅却发现了隐藏在表面案伴背后更大的阴谋,敌人已将多枚水母投放到我国海域,以窃取我海洋信息,武梅认识到,更大的对手即将出现......