回复 : 阿成(黄霑 饰)、阿铎(黄光亮 饰)和阿新(邵传勇 饰)是公司里的三位负责人,三人奉上司之名前往日本总公司进行考察,然而这趟旅程虽然名为考察,实际上三人心中各怀鬼胎,想借此机会好好的在异国他乡潇洒一回。 阿成是万花丛中过片叶不沾身的情场老手,在日本,他邂逅了一位妙龄女子,女子的单纯和天真深深打动了阿成,让他渴望起家庭的温暖,然而阿铎却告诉阿成,这个女人并不简单,种种迹象表明,她实际上是一个水性杨花的欢场女子。阿铎的老婆身怀六甲,寂寞难耐的阿铎经不起女色的诱惑,没想到却因此染病,自己的行踪也败露了。
回复 :This long-lost masterpiece of hardcore gay erotic cinema centers on a handsome young stud who rides his motorcycle through myriad sexual encounters, from a soccer game’s locker room to a phantasmagoric and deeply melancholy orgy. A labyrinth of all-male fantasies whose outstanding beauties always end up fading away while leaving their sensual protagonist dealing with his own loneliness, EQUATION was directed with supreme grace by the mysterious Dietrich de Velsa (aka Francis Savel/Frantz Salieri). A former painter, de Velsa was also the owner and artistic director of La Grande Eugène, one of the first drag cabarets in Paris. Years later, he collaborated with Joseph Losey on MR. KLEIN (1976) and DON GIOVANNI (1979). His one and only film, EQUATION TO AN UNKNOWN stands as one of the most extraordinary erotic films of all time.“The most melancholic porn film I’ve ever seen. It’s very sad, and aesthetically beautiful. Just a young man wandering through several depictions of love and choreographies of love-making; it’s like a ceremony, a ceremony of fantasies, especially the last sequence where the main character recalls all his previous fantasies, which come one by one around his bed and make love to him. I think it’s one of the most beautiful film sequences of French cinema.” –Yann Gonzalez
回复 :1938年,犯人亨利(KevinBacon饰)试图从著名的阿尔卡特兹监狱逃出,但最终失败。典狱长格伦对威胁自己地位的亨利恨之入骨,将其抛入封闭的地牢中长达三年,期间伴有不计其数的殴打行为。亨利终于得以离开地牢,但他所做的第一件事是用勺子杀死背叛自己的犯人,于是被控一级谋杀。刚离开校门的律师詹姆斯(ChristianSlater饰)受命为亨利辩护,长年的折磨让后者几乎丧失沟通能力,詹姆斯不放弃任何机会,逐渐拉近了两人的距离。初次开庭,詹姆斯将矛头对准非人道的狱方,引发媒体关注,也招惹来各方阻碍,女友与亲兄在压力下先后背离他而去。詹姆斯唯一仰仗的只剩下对正义的执着,但最后关头,亨利却表示自己宁愿被判死……