回复 :公元前139年,张骞率领百余人组成的使团出使西域,中途遭匈奴截杀,张骞与向导堂邑父沦为阶下囚,被困于匈奴十年之久。这日,张骞与堂邑父正照常奉命测绘地图,却不料偶遇大汉斥候耿乐。两军交战,耿乐被俘,误会张骞已经叛变。张骞与同伴的出逃计划因此被打乱……
回复 :The screenplay tells the story of the toxic relationship between two strong, independent women who are aware that they are alone in the world: Beatriz, who has apparently achieved everything in life that she set out to do; and Sofía, who thinks she is ready to do whatever it takes to get the life she believes she deserves.
回复 :该电影以中国传统干将莫邪的故事改编