:陈员外有二子, 长子镛生性至孝, 勤奋好学, 但常遭继母欺凌。次子威, 不务正业, 为生母陈夫人所宠爱。陈夫人因威有意中人,而强迫镛与张家女儿玉卿结婚。镛与玉卿皆反对盲婚哑嫁, 苦于父母之命, 惟从之。查实镛与玉卿曾有一面之缘, 并互相留下良好印象。新婚夜, 威得见嫂子竟是意中人, 妒火中烧, 欲加害镛, 幸为义哥所制止。镛得知新婚妻子是玉卿, 欣喜万分, 赠玉卿珠链作订情信物, 事为义所见, 义为人义薄云天, 但嗜赌, 义潜入玉卿房偷取珠链作赌本, 离去时留下鞋子。威拾获鞋子诬告玉卿失贞节, 陈夫人将玉卿赶走。玉卿遭乡民掷石攻击, 卿父制止时遭击毙。玉卿投河自尽, 遭义救回。镛于玉卿被赶后, 离家赴京应试, 终衣锦荣归。替玉卿平反。时玉卿己为镛诞下一子。陈夫人与威自知不是, 向玉卿求恕。玉卿得重入陈家, 一家团圆。
:When her seven-year-old son dies in a tragic road accident, a grieving mother (Jesseca Liu), with the help of her former caregiver Mdm Seetoh (Liu Ling Ling), resorts to supernatural forces to bring back his soul so he can be 'by her side' at home. However, after several strange and even deadly occurences in the house, she begins to suspect that there is something amiss with the soul she has brought back. In discovering what has really happened, she unravels the horrific truth - a truth which may cost her her life and the lives of those around her.