瑞安A woman working as a security guard in an agricultural research facility finds herself and her co-worker Schmidt fighting to survive against their former friends.
瑞安A woman working as a security guard in an agricultural research facility finds herself and her co-worker Schmidt fighting to survive against their former friends.
回复 :在《萌犬好声音》的世界里,狗狗不仅学会了说话,还可以拥有动人的歌声。泰妮——一只可爱的约克夏是小主人洛最好的伙伴,也是一只热爱歌唱的狗狗,梦想在歌唱比赛的舞台上大放异彩。一场意外让她从家中走失,为了找回主人,也为了实现自己的音乐梦想,泰妮踏上了既欢乐又充满挑战的回家路。冒险的旅途中,步步惊险却又时时爆笑。在众多朋友的帮助下,泰妮看到了更广阔的世界,也收获了成长与珍贵的友情。
回复 :Marie, 19, is attracted by easy money. Without really realizing it, she becomes involved in prostitution. She decides not to tell her friend, Vincent, a young, nonchalant, 21-year-old skater who owes everyone money and just can’t seem to grow up. The maelstrom of life seizes Marie and Vincent, caught up in a society where money, appearance and perpetual self-delusion are everything. Vincent’s mute, autistic brother, Mika, also gets caught in the trap.
回复 :黛丝(梅兰尼·格里菲斯 Melanie Griffith 饰)是一位女秘书,在工作上,她的精明强干和聪明才智一点也不输给自己那些男同事们,但是,因为拒绝了上司那近乎于“性骚扰”的非分要求,能干的黛丝被调离了岗位,等同于降职。凯瑟琳(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)是黛丝的新上司,表面上心慈口善的她,背地里阴险又贪婪,她不仅于暗地中处处为难黛丝,更将黛丝想出的企划据为己有。一次意外中,凯瑟琳受伤入院,借此机会,黛丝决定假扮上司,夺回属于自己的成就,并因此而结识了名为杰克(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)的年轻企业家。凯瑟琳得知了黛丝所作的一切,怒气冲冲的她决定揭穿黛丝的骗局。