  时间:2025-03-09 06:09:25

《幸存者》是一类热门的真人秀类比赛节目,樱桃影院在全球各地的电台多有举办。在这类比赛中,樱桃影院参赛选手被孤立在遥远而鲜有人住的地区,通过比赛赢得奖金。此类节目始于1992年英国。美国的《幸存者》节目始于1999年,曾先后被NBC, ABC, CBS电台拒绝,后来终被CBS台买下并于2000年开始制作。《幸存者:珍珠岛》是CBS热门真人秀幸存者的第七季,拍摄于2003年,首播于03年9月28日。比赛地点是巴拿马附近的珍珠岛,历史上曾是海盗活动猖獗的地方。因此该季度两个部落的名字分别为Francis Drake(伊丽莎白一世执政期间的著名海盗)和Henry Morgan(十七世纪加勒比海最大胆和成功的海盗)。合并后的部落名为Balboa(16世纪杰出的探险家)。《幸存者:珍珠岛》是自幸存者开播而来,观看率最高的一季,出现了众多新元素:独一无二的大逆转,放逐岛、战利品、隐藏的宝藏;个性鲜明、令人难忘的参赛者(Rupert Boneham, Jon Dalton)。比赛开始的第一天,一众参赛者盛装打扮,登船后却震惊地得知不能带行李、只能穿着身上衣服比赛。他们可以在附近的一个渔村用发下来的100美元资金加上自己的饰物换取生活必需品。本季最大的一次逆转,是头6名出局的选手有机会再回到游戏中,过程如何操作?谁将得到重生的机会?




回复 : tvN招牌综艺节目《新西游记》将以第八季回归。根据新闻的采访内容,《新西游记》的制作团队和出演人员将于8月投入新一季的首次拍摄。因为COVID-19的影响,这一季不是在海外而是在国内进行拍摄。 预计拍摄时间将持续约2个月,尚未确定播出时间。《新西游记》以大哥姜虎东为首,gagman李寿根、水晶男孩队长殷志源、super junior成员圭贤、WINNER成员宋旻浩,Block B成员P.O固定出演。



回复 :After four decades of reporting from the continent, Jonathan Dimbleby returns to Africa on a 7,000-mile journey to discover how it is changing.【Mali, Ghana and Nigeria】He starts his African journey in the capital of Mali, Bamako, the fastest-growing African city. Following the course of the Niger river, Dimbleby finds not a continent of beggars but of industrious people, some of whom go to extraordinary lengths to make a living, free-diving 20 feet to excavate building sand.Travelling north-east, he sees how tradition is preserved in an area where a sophisticated urban society has thrived for 1600 years. Jonathan gets his hands dirty as the apprentice of a 74-year-old mud mason in Djenne, a town built entirely of mud.In Ghana, one of Africa's freest and most stable countries, Jonathan sees a spectacular festival before playing a game of golf with the King of the Ashanti, who recalls his time working for Brent council. Dimbleby attends the King's court to see what lessons the UK can draw from traditional African structures that promote harmony and reconciliation.Jonathan discovers that the African brain drain is turning into a brain gain as economic opportunity and patriotism draw people home. Football unites Ghana like nothing else, superseding political and tribal divisions. There is a rich seam of young football talent on the continent in the year that the World Cup is hosted by an African nation for the first time.In Lagos, Nigeria's business capital, Jonathan Dimbleby sees a different take on a city that is often depicted as a hotbed of violence, crime and corruption. He is taken on a private jet by Africa's richest man, then savours the creative talents of two of African music's rising stars who are helping to cement Lagos's place as the continent's cultural hub.【Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania】On the second leg of his illuminating journey across Africa, Jonathan Dimbleby travels 2000 miles through East Africa's Rift Valley.Starting in Ethiopia, where he was the first journalist to report the 1973 famine, Dimbleby discovers the great strides being made to safeguard the country from future catastrophes.In Kenya he finds out how mobile phones are revolutionising small businesses and even the lives of Masai tribes.In Tanzania he joins in a football match with the judges and guards of Africa's own Human Rights Commission and meets the street kids in Dar-es-Salaam who are building an international profile for their music.【Congo, South Africa and Zambia】On the final leg of his 7,000-mile odyssey, Jonathan Dimbleby travels from Congo to Durban in search of the stories revealing contemporary Africa.He learns how China's billion-dollar deals have rebooted African economies, once dependent on Western aid and investment.Passing through Zambia, Jonathan survives a training session with boxing world champion Esther Phiri and meets Hugh Masekela, who shares with him his view of Africa's emerging revival.



回复 :       《2023山东卫视中秋晚会》以“明月山海揽芳华”为主题,分为致明月、致美好、致未来三个篇章,以当下流行的“国潮+”为主要创作理念,通过歌舞、诵读等多种艺术化表达,讲述新时代的美好生活。

