回复 :程胜(周星驰 饰)乃一游手好闲之徒,终日坑蒙拐骗,无恶不作。一日装瞎子行骗,遇遇女骗子(毛舜筠 饰)被追债的贵利工打手排骨(元华 饰)欺负,胜一时看不过眼出手相救,不料却被债务转嫁弄了自己一屁股债。另一方面。老江湖凌万蜂(午马 饰)同样欠下了贵利王(张耀扬饰)的债务,无力还清。他想办法找到自己的旧情人生萍姐(恬妞 饰)和妓女Apple(叶子楣 饰)合谋冒充一富户人家向一阔少诈骗。不料被骗的阔少正是胜所扮,他也想骗这一富户。阴差阳错的骗局,笑料百出……
回复 :Two friends, who both work for the same high-priced, high-powered law firm, are both married to modern day witches. Erica, the wife of Larry, believes that he is being led astray by Carol, an old flame, who also works for the same law firm. Erica decides to act and one night after a torrid sex session Larry drifts off to sleep and begins to dream. Soon the dream turns into a ni...
回复 :该片讲述了法医秦明(应昊茗饰)与热血刑警林涛(唐振超饰)组成的黄金组合携手屡破要案的故事,故事一波三折,破朔迷离。