每个人都梦想成为另一个人……但对Claire(娜亚拉唐珊德Najarra Townsend 饰)来说,天地这个梦想从痴迷变成一场恶梦。白天是发型师,天地晚上是连环杀手兼头皮收藏家。当常客Olivia(布瑞亚格兰特BreaGran t饰)聘请Claire担任她婚礼当天的发型师,寂寞的Claire的生活开始陷入混乱。痴迷于Olivia看似完美无缺的生活,Claire誓言要金盆洗手,改邪归正。却发现压抑自己的欲望说起来容易,做起来可没那么简单……。
每个人都梦想成为另一个人……但对Claire(娜亚拉唐珊德Najarra Townsend 饰)来说,天地这个梦想从痴迷变成一场恶梦。白天是发型师,天地晚上是连环杀手兼头皮收藏家。当常客Olivia(布瑞亚格兰特BreaGran t饰)聘请Claire担任她婚礼当天的发型师,寂寞的Claire的生活开始陷入混乱。痴迷于Olivia看似完美无缺的生活,Claire誓言要金盆洗手,改邪归正。却发现压抑自己的欲望说起来容易,做起来可没那么简单……。
回复 :Living with her father and stepmother in Naples, Anna is very unhappy as her stepmother hinders her attempts to live her own life. While her parents are away, she goes out with Carlo, but finds herself locked out when she comes home. This angers Carlo and he asks Anna to go away with him to Rome, where he plans to liquidate his business assets in order to have money for marriage. He quarrels with his partner and is implicated when his partner is found murdered. Although innocent, he is convicted and given a long sentence. Anna has a child and, finding it impossible to support her child , returns to Naples. The stepmother's conditions are that before she will agree to house the child, Anna must commit herself to a reformatory for unmarried mothers.
回复 :噗通入水,愛嘉比湘琪游快了一點,她們是最好的朋 友,但比賽裡只有對手。湘琪的發育比愛嘉慢了一些, 瘦小的她想靠體保生名額繼續升學。女孩迎來初經, 成熟了身體,萌出了心機,友情與妒意分列泳池畔台, 她們在槍響前大口呼吸,哨音後振臂向前,在藍色青 春池水裡誰也無法回頭。
回复 :《向古巴人致意》(Salut les Cabuins,1963) 可能是瓦尔达最早在政治上直接表态的一部影片。由于她接受“古巴电影学院”之邀前往访问,带去一台莱卡相机,却带回来两千多张照片。她深深为这个拉丁民族唯一的社会主义国家的娱悦所着迷。以那些照片为媒材,串接在巴黎所拍的舞蹈片断,静止的照片在洽洽的节奏里活跃了起来。这是名附其实一部她向古巴人致敬的影片。