回复 :Recorded during her Speak Now World Tour in 2011, this live recording collects 16 performances from the country-pop starlet, including all 14 songs from her 2010 studio outing Speak Now, as well as covers of Train's "Drops of Jupiter" and Kim Carnes' "Bette Davis Eyes." The DVD/Blu-ray disc that accompanies some editions of World Tour Live: Speak Now features 18 performances, as well as home movies and rehearsal footage for the show, which was an elaborate affair that utilized dancers, aerialists, numerous costume changes, and a mammoth, multi-stage setup that more closely resembled a high-profile Broadway musical than it a did country music concert. ~ James Christopher MongerThis combo includes a DVD and CD. The DVD gives fans the complete Taylor Swift Speak Now concert experience, showcasing performances of all 17 songs from her Speak Now show, plus additional bonus content. The CD contains over 75 minutes of music, including live versions of favorites from the Speak Now album. The performance is a theatrical presentation of a Broadway experience. The show features elaborate costumes, dancers, aerialists, changing sets, and innovative choreography and instrumentation showcased on a multi-level stage. Taylor plays 5 different guitars in the show, including electric, acoustic, and 12-string. She also plays 2 banjos, the ukulele, and the piano, and changes costumes 9 times over the course of the evening. She moves around the venue and uses different stages, giving every audience member a great seat.Liner Note Authors: Paula Erickson; Grant Garner.Recording information: Atlanta, GA; Love Shack, Nashville, TN; Nimbus School Of Recording Arts, Vancouver, BC.Directors: Taylor Swift; Baz Halpin; Ryan Polito.Editor: Sharon Everitt.Photographers: Christie Goodwin; Austin Swift.Personnel: Taylor Swift (vocals, guitar, banjo, ukulele, piano); Mike Meadows (guitar, banjo, mandolin, background vocals); Caitlin Evanson (guitar, fiddle, background vocals); Paul Sidoti (guitar, keyboards, background vocals); Grant Mickelson, Jody Harris (guitar); David Cook (keyboards); Al Wilson (drums); Daniel Sadownick (percussion); Marlyn Ortiz, Shannon Beach, Charity Baroni, Meredith Ostrowsky, Justin Boulet, Fernando Miro, Dom Kelley, Claire Callaway (dancer); Liz Huett (background vocals).Audio Mixers: Justin Cortelyou; Chris Rowe; Robert Allen; Bob Ezrin; Brian Virtue .
回复 :2000年 春节联欢晚会冯巩相声《旧曲新唱》加入了诸多音乐元素,令人耳目一新。本届春晚邀请的港台明星众多(例如张惠妹、林心如、黎明、谢霆锋等)。1999年间,《还珠格格》在神州火了一把。在2000年春晚,赵薇成为了众多的主持人之一;而林心如也和崔永元上台演唱了《溜溜的她》。在开场歌舞《把春天迎进来》中的演唱者,就是如今大红大紫的章子怡。0点报时前,春晚现场举行了一次精彩的“世纪婚礼”。香港歌手谢霆锋演唱了《今生永相伴》,令人感动。那晚最逗的小品,依旧是赵本山、宋丹丹演绎的《钟点工》,“你脱了我马甲我就不认识你了?”宋丹丹和赵本山又为“魔鬼词典”增添了一个新名词。随后的“非常可乐杯”我最喜爱的春节联欢晚会节目评选最终是:歌舞类《军中姐妹》演唱张薇薇、张莉莉小品类 《钟点工》表演赵本山、宋丹丹戏曲、曲艺及其它类 相声《旧曲新歌》表演冯巩、郭冬临
回复 :总是被欺负的幕之内一步在机缘巧合下遇到职业拳击手鹰村,并从此开始了拳击生涯。初入鸭川会的一步在鸭川会长严厉的训练下,终于登上了日本冠军。在卫冕第一战中击败天才拳击手真田之后,下一个对手是曾经在鸭川会一同挥洒汗水的师弟・山田直道。面对不顾情面,大言不惭的宣称要夺取冠军宝座的直道,一步的内心动摇了……