回复 :From the "socialization of suffering" to peace in the Basque Country: with extraordinary access to the principal players, this is the story of a 10 year process, which began with secret talks in a Gipuzkoan farmhouse and ended - after moments of hope and painful disappointments - with the broad anti-terrorist strategy that brought an end to the violence of ETA, increasingly rejected en masse by Spanish and Basque society, and isolated after their radical nationalist supporters opted for peace. -IMDB
回复 :九十年代末我国西南边境,“8077”边防武警特战队在一次剿毒任务中,先后遭遇山洪灾难和毒贩的算计,死伤惨重。为了牺牲的兄弟,“8077”幸存战士誓死展开绝地追击。影片根据真实案件改编。
回复 :讲述了只在晚上才能看到东西的盲人针灸师偶然目击王世子的死亡,为揭露事实真相而孤军奋战的故事,刘海镇饰演了因丧子之痛而逐渐失去理智的国王,而柳俊烈则饰演了只有在晚上才能看到东西的盲人针灸师。