回复 :Angel, a member of a punk rock band in the apocalyptic future, is kidnapped by Mok, a legendary superocker. Obsessed with a dark experiment, Mok plans to use Angel's voice to summon a demon from another dimension. The rest of the band follows Mok to Nuke York in an attempt to get her back.
回复 :东京郊外的街道——天鹅绒町,这里有着被剧团成员们称之为天鹅绒之路的圣地。身为原舞台演员、因一纸来信而站在此地的你,将会遇到的是……负债累累!没有客人!团员只有一位!失去过去辉煌即将倒闭的落魄剧团!因机缘巧合,你成为了剧团的团长兼【总监督】,身负把剧团重整起来的重任?
回复 : 本作品以日本昭和年代最知名的纸芝居(即连环画的画剧)为形式,将一个个令人背后发凉的恐怖怪谈展现给观众……