一个年轻女子(Bobbi Sue Luther 饰)从昏迷中醒来,佐山发现自己躺在一口棺材之中。她完全记不起事情发生的始末,佐山甚至连自己的姓名和住所也彻底忘记。不久后,她终于想起自己是被一个带着骨头面具、肩膀上固定摄像机的变态杀手(Nick Principe 饰)击晕。女子尝试从魔掌中逃跑,寻求一切可以得到的帮助。但她和她的营救者们显然低估了杀手的实力,任何挡在这个杀人魔王面前的英雄最终都会变成一具死尸。在他面前,猎物无处遁形,只有坐以待毙……
一个年轻女子(Bobbi Sue Luther 饰)从昏迷中醒来,佐山发现自己躺在一口棺材之中。她完全记不起事情发生的始末,佐山甚至连自己的姓名和住所也彻底忘记。不久后,她终于想起自己是被一个带着骨头面具、肩膀上固定摄像机的变态杀手(Nick Principe 饰)击晕。女子尝试从魔掌中逃跑,寻求一切可以得到的帮助。但她和她的营救者们显然低估了杀手的实力,任何挡在这个杀人魔王面前的英雄最终都会变成一具死尸。在他面前,猎物无处遁形,只有坐以待毙……
回复 :Lex (Anna Konkle) and Mani (Jermaine Fowler) are a happily married young couple, running their dream artisanal bakery in Los Angeles and excited about starting a family together. A trip to a tropical island resort for a friend’s destination wedding, coinciding with Lex’s ovulation cycle, feels like the perfect opportunity to conceive. But good vibes and high hopes are cut short when, shortly after their arrival to paradise, Lex accidentally drops her friend’s (Aparna Nancherla, “Search Party”) baby in front of all their friends. Paradise becomes purgatory for our couple as recriminations, passive-aggression and old wounds begin to permeate the island reunion and throw Mani and Lex’s future into deep uncertainty.
回复 :个性压抑的霍克斯,随手打了一个电话号码"976",欲询问当天的星座运势。但当他听完对方的声音后,性情突然大变,从一个原本懦弱专受人欺负的倒霉鬼,摇身一变成残暴的杀人凶手,狰狞的面孔与长又尖的指甲,彷佛被撒旦附身。霍克斯开始展开一连串的报复行动,打算将整个城镇变成人间地狱,唯一可以制止他的只有当地的一个新闻记者以及学校的性感女老师……
回复 :A police officer videotapes his wife having various sexual encounters to spruce up their marriage, which soon lands both of them in hot water with a mobster whom blackmails them to videotape an encounter with a crooked politician.