时尚Forced to travel with her boyfriend, Laine, she begins to experience premonitions associated with the urban myth of The Creeper. Laine believes that something supernatural has been summoned - and that she is at the center of it all.
时尚Forced to travel with her boyfriend, Laine, she begins to experience premonitions associated with the urban myth of The Creeper. Laine believes that something supernatural has been summoned - and that she is at the center of it all.
回复 :影片故事改编自田纳西·威廉姆斯的戏剧《奥菲斯沉沦》(Orpheus Decending)主人公瓦尔·夏威尔是一个吉他弹唱歌手,他居无定所,总爱穿着蛇皮茄克在各个城市之间游荡漂泊。而在这之前其实他曾经是一名罪犯。某一天,他来到南方密西西比河附近的一个小城镇,在那里与当地的一个女阿飞卡萝·丘特尔相遇。二人随后爱得轰轰烈烈,彼此成为性伴侣。但是瓦尔同时又与老板的妻子托伦斯夫人有着暧昧关系。托伦斯夫人对瓦尔十分钟情,她甚至愿意放弃一切来阻止瓦尔与卡萝私奔离开城镇。可是托伦斯先生可不是什么好打发的人,他对瓦尔的怨恨使他发誓要报复。而影片中的另一个女艺术家(莫琳·斯塔普敦 饰)对他也是情有独钟。
回复 :影片根据全国十大最美“村官”——北镇市正安镇正二村党支部书记王桂兰的先进事迹改编,讲述了王桂兰同志30多年如一日扎根农村,以改变家乡贫困落后面貌为己任,即使身患白血病,依然坚持带领一个欠债37万元的村子走上了富裕路的感人故事。影片真实再现了一位忠诚、干净、担当的农村基层女干部形象。影片还融入了极具辽宁地域文化特色的剪纸“馍馍人”等表现手法,运用动画、特效、航拍相结合的高科技手段,增强视觉效果及表现力。
回复 :A police inspector Dusan investigates an unusual case, the death of Marjan Ozim. The inspector develops an obsession with the case, especially when he realizes it was suicide. He starts to live in the deceased's apartment, digging through his life, getting involved with people Marjan Ozim knew, gradually taking over his identity. As the story progress, the reasons for the inspe...