云端之上,完美有一座天国赌场,完美天神们以人间悲欢打赌消遣。其中一个赌约,关于“真爱是否存在”,天神们挑选了一个人间男婴王三贵(胡先煦 饰),施予了他一个古怪的诅咒:凡他亲吻之物,即刻陷入熟睡,除非,亲吻真爱。三贵的诅咒被发现后,被镇上居民们视为异类,无依无靠的他踏上孤独的旅程,来到白石城,依次遇到了三个改变他命运的女孩鱼鱼(周也 饰)、霞姐(姚晨 饰)、婷婷(周依然 饰),也意外发现了美好平静的白石城,还藏着一处不为人知的黑暗腹地……
云端之上,完美有一座天国赌场,完美天神们以人间悲欢打赌消遣。其中一个赌约,关于“真爱是否存在”,天神们挑选了一个人间男婴王三贵(胡先煦 饰),施予了他一个古怪的诅咒:凡他亲吻之物,即刻陷入熟睡,除非,亲吻真爱。三贵的诅咒被发现后,被镇上居民们视为异类,无依无靠的他踏上孤独的旅程,来到白石城,依次遇到了三个改变他命运的女孩鱼鱼(周也 饰)、霞姐(姚晨 饰)、婷婷(周依然 饰),也意外发现了美好平静的白石城,还藏着一处不为人知的黑暗腹地……
回复 :五个天真活泼的少女,各怀著一颗寂寞而又悸动的心,在这个平淡的暑假里,她们遇到了许多兴奋,荒唐,离奇又冒险的事情……欣欣、小诗、麦姬、南生和东东是5个要好的朋友,一同读书,各人在成长路上各有心事。在暑假期间大家一同到东东在海边小镇的别墅度假,欣欣是个胆子大的女孩,有次在黑夜误闯海边小店的后院,而认识憨憨的阿伟,萌生爱意。东东因哥哥阿Joe认识了混血儿女友而烦恼,一心想拆散他们,弄出不少笑话,南生个性像男孩子,常常呵护东东,其实心里暗恋东东,麦姬是个大家公认的大花痴,常常换男朋友,小诗最大的乐趣就是喜欢拿著摄影机拍下所有的新鲜事物....当五个女孩正享受快乐的暑假时,海边却有不良份子从事走私运货,小诗无意间拍到他们的走私过程,就因为这样而发生意想不到的惊奇冒险....陈果继"大闹广昌隆"之指导第二部电影,这次以少女心为主题,炎炎夏日暑假必看的青春喜剧电影^O^
回复 :改编自大卫夏洛瓦极具争议的舞台得奖巨作─惊世骇俗的爱情故事《黑鸟》。未成年少女乌娜与邻居叔叔雷私奔,不伦禁恋遭揭发,雷随即入狱,出狱后销声匿迹。乌娜执迷不悔,无法接受现实,15年后,终于找到改名换姓的雷。为了解开积压多年的心结,乌娜硬要介入雷辛苦建立的事业、家庭及新生活…
回复 :On a class trip, five friends are kidnapped by an evil doomsday cult seeking to achieve immortality with an ancient pagan artifact – and who will stop at nothing to do it...Berlin students Ben, Jonas, Leo, Ozzi and Sophie are on a class trip to boring Hildesheim. Their schedule includes visiting the medieval cathedral and witnessing a complete solar eclipse, but destiny intervenes… A bomb goes off at the cathedral and the students are evacuated by the police, only to find themselves in the clutches of an occult secret society calling themselves the Lunaris Cult, who aim to use an ancient pagan artifact, the Irminsul, to harness the vital force of their teenage captives and use it for their own purposes on the eclipse. The evil cultists are after immortality and divine power, and are even prepared to sacrifice the friends' lives.Ben and his gang manages to escape. Chased from one danger to the next, the cultists pursue them, closing in on them more and more. The fanatics have it all planned out, it seems, leaving nothing to chance. They disable the cell phone networks and satellite connections, leaving the friends to fend for themselves …