回复 :Sergeant Voight tries to find out who is behind the murder of Jin, and come up with the unbelievable discovery and learned that Sergeant Edwin Stillwell playing a double game with the intention of getting out on the surface of the big fish along with Voight. In the meantime, all members of the intelligence departments receive death threats from an unknown group called "Shadow". At several places in Chicago in a fire, explosion, and robbery, for which "Shadow" take responsibility, bringing the city into chaos.
回复 :《阿卡普尔科》讲述了20多岁的Máximo加拉多(恩里克·阿里松)的故事,他的梦想成真时,他得到了阿卡普尔科最热门的度假村的工作,作为一个小屋男孩的一生。他很快意识到,这份工作比他想象的要复杂得多,为了成功,他必须学会驾驭苛刻的客户、善变的导师和复杂的家庭生活,而不迷失于捷径或诱惑。
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