太极On her 18th birthday, tough-girl Jonny eats a cake baked by her aunt according to a magical family recipe and goes through a radical metamorphosis. As several classmates go missing, a bloody coming-of-age story takes its course.
太极On her 18th birthday, tough-girl Jonny eats a cake baked by her aunt according to a magical family recipe and goes through a radical metamorphosis. As several classmates go missing, a bloody coming-of-age story takes its course.
回复 :东南亚的密林丛山中有一个神秘的“金三角”,那里隐藏着当今世界毒品黑社会的最大罪恶。一位化名白虎的国际缉毒警察接受特殊使命乔装闯入金三角,历尽原始森林的险恶,周旋于各种对手之间,终于九死一生揭开了毒品世界的黑幕,斩断了金三角伸向神圣祖国的魔爪。
回复 :没有事件可解,便无法称之侦探──号称「福尔摩斯」的大学生侦探明智恭介(中村伦也 饰),不顾助手叶村让(神木隆之介 饰)劝阻,缠上电影研究社社长,因为社内怪事连连:社员自杀、短片出现恐怖人脸、即将举办的合宿收到恐吓字条,令许多社员心生退意。然而,别人的麻烦正是侦探的乐趣,明智死缠烂 打想参加合宿却无法说服社长。苦恼时,神祕的美少女侦探剑崎比留子(滨边美波 饰)现身解围,以「不问她目的」和「她一同参加」为条件,让明智与叶村混进其中。
回复 :From the creator of 'Hammer of the Gods', starring Stanley Weber (Borgia) and Annabelle Wallis (Annabelle), the subjects of a ruthless tyrant's oppression discover an unlikely freedom fighter whose code of honor demands bloody retribution.