千王Maya (Lustre) is a girl who has always held a pessimistic view of the rain, reminding her of failed love and other depressing things. Will the rain ever stop her in her journey to overcome past heartaches?
千王Maya (Lustre) is a girl who has always held a pessimistic view of the rain, reminding her of failed love and other depressing things. Will the rain ever stop her in her journey to overcome past heartaches?
回复 :本片改编自山田太一的小说,讲述伦敦编剧亚当(安德鲁·斯科特 饰)偶然遇到了他的神秘邻居(保罗·麦斯卡 饰),之后亚当回到了童年的家中,他发现早已去世的父亲(杰米·贝尔 饰)和母亲(克莱尔·芙伊 饰)居然还活着——并且他们看起来和三十年前死去的那天一样的年纪。
回复 :Seemingly perfect high school senior, Olivia, struggles with grief from the recent loss of a friend. When she gets deferred from her dream college she begins to spiral and experiences a series of increasingly frightening panic attacks. In an attempt to regain some sense of control, she embarks on a social media-fueled rampage against those that stand in the way of her success b...
回复 :制造核武器的重要原料浓缩铀从朝鲜半岛的那个国家流出,这一事件引起邻国日本、韩国乃至美国的高度关注。为防止可能发生的核恐怖袭击,CIA、公安、NIS派出大量特工,一场看不见硝烟的间谍战在和平年代下悄悄展开。公安外事4课负责人住本健司(渡部笃郎 饰)受命寻找失踪的原日籍科学家徐昌义(田中泯 饰),与此同时,日籍韩裔商人奥田正秀(申贤俊 饰)拥有重大嫌疑,成为外事警察重点盯防的对象。为了找到奥田从事恐怖活动的证据,住本命令部下松泽阳菜(尾野真千子 饰)接近奥田的妻子果织(真木阳子 饰)。内心承受巨大煎熬的果织该如何面对这个自己并不了解的丈夫,而她的心中又藏着怎样的秘密。最后时刻一点点迫近……本片根据麻生几创作的同名间谍小说第二部改编。