搜索When a lost traveler on Halloween night comes across an isolated rural gas station, she thinks she's found her way home. Unbeknownst to her, the eerie gas station is the residence of a family of degenerate, devilish creatures.
搜索When a lost traveler on Halloween night comes across an isolated rural gas station, she thinks she's found her way home. Unbeknownst to her, the eerie gas station is the residence of a family of degenerate, devilish creatures.
回复 :Genre cinema lends itself to fruitful experimentation and Vourdalak is a prime example, offering ample opportunities for it along with dark, profound chills and a delightful Gothic atmosphere. A father returns from the war to his children (now as a vourdalak), dead yet alive, while simultaneously, an envoy of the King of France arrives at their secluded forest home. Profoundly ...
回复 :影片讲述一位罗马尼亚移民工人,在离开比利时、返回故土前夕,将冰箱里的剩余蔬菜烩做一锅,拜访赠予留居亲友。偶然相遇的华裔生物科学博士,引领他在布鲁塞尔的公园森林里看到苔藓近在咫尺而幽深无限的世界。
回复 :为圆母亲的梦想,黛娜叶子马里布前往南非Jefferys湾冲浪。奥斯卡最佳制片布莱恩贵萨新作,全片远赴南非拍摄,美女美景让视觉充满话题。黛娜决定完成母亲的心愿,来到南非追逐女子水上运动的各种挑战;从稠密的丛林一路到白色沙地,她认识了各路好手,也面临种种所未见的惊险,这才开始检视自己内心最深的情感...