来自大城市重点中学教师方向(郎月婷 饰)因为职场误解而“逃离”到一个濒临关闭的乡村教学点支教。在学校里,亚洲区方向面对反叛的学生赵一虎(邬宜航 饰)、亚洲区不急不徐的老校长(巩金国 饰)以及其他误解重重的老师与村民,在一波几折的折腾中,迷失的方向终于找回属于自己的“方向”。在回城后不久,突然接到老校长倒在讲台上的噩耗,而满心牵挂的方向再次赶回学校时,做了一个出乎意料的决定……
来自大城市重点中学教师方向(郎月婷 饰)因为职场误解而“逃离”到一个濒临关闭的乡村教学点支教。在学校里,亚洲区方向面对反叛的学生赵一虎(邬宜航 饰)、亚洲区不急不徐的老校长(巩金国 饰)以及其他误解重重的老师与村民,在一波几折的折腾中,迷失的方向终于找回属于自己的“方向”。在回城后不久,突然接到老校长倒在讲台上的噩耗,而满心牵挂的方向再次赶回学校时,做了一个出乎意料的决定……
回复 :在伦敦的某处,沈睡地底多年的喷火巨龙,因地下工程的施工而被唤醒并飞离洞穴,40多年后,巨龙与其繁殖的无数后代占领了地球,人类文明因而被摧毁殆尽,只能躲在废弃城堡的洞穴中,靠未被喷火龙摧毁的农作物为生。伦敦地区的人类领袖昆恩是一个自小母亲便死于巨龙火舌的孤儿,带领着该区仅存的人类与怪龙对抗;某日,来自外地的美国义勇军官范桑与他的军队前来援助,起初昆恩拒绝外来客的支持,后来才明白原来美国人一样饱受喷火龙摧残之苦,于是两支大军结合力量,计划消灭最早逃出的巨龙皇后,为人类的生存与希望而战。
回复 :Magdalena and Maria are two twin sisters who were separated at birth and know nothing of the other’s existence. Maria runs away from the boarding school in which she was brought up and finds work as a cabaret performer in the cafés of Marseilles. Magdalena lives with her adopted parents and works in an art gallery. The two sisters are joined by an invisible bond which draws them towards the same tragic conclusion.Director Werner Schroeter has acquired a reputation as an experimentalist filmmaker, hailed by some as an underrated genius, reviled by others for being a peddler of self-indulgent kitsch. Deux is arguably Schroeter’s most ambitious, unsettling and repulsive work to date. The director certainly wastes no time in alienating his audience; from the first ten minutes of the film it is clear this is not going to be an easy ride. The narrative cuts haphazardly between seemingly unconnected events, alternating between realism and stylised fantasy dream sequences, periodically shocking the spectator with graphic images of lesbian sex and a woman being slowly disembowelled. Having several actors playing multiple parts only adds to the sense of artifice and utter confusion, which is a pity as there is manifestly a lot of great acting talent on show – not least of which is Isabelle Huppert. The film’s sheer relentless grotesqueness and self-indulgence is so extreme, so unbridled, so stomach-churningly provocative, that it is hard to take any of it seriously.
回复 :“那些追随光亮的人们,只会带来黑暗。” ——罗伯特·德恩诺少年韦尼亚明正面临着一次神秘的危机,他提出的疑问扰得他的母亲、同学和整所高中鸡犬不宁。—女孩们能穿比基尼去上游泳课吗?—性教育在学校课程中有一席之地吗?—应该把进化论作为自然科学的一部分来教授吗?很快,这个只对《圣经》发过誓的男孩的深信不疑把大人们彻底打败了。只有他的生物老师埃琳娜例外,她将对他的权威发出挑战。