免费Paranormal activity at a lush, abandoned property alarm a group eager to redevelop the site, but the eerie events may not be as unearthly as they think.
免费Paranormal activity at a lush, abandoned property alarm a group eager to redevelop the site, but the eerie events may not be as unearthly as they think.
回复 :A father and his daughter, suffering from major hearing loss, arrive at a construction site for work. They are soon taken hostage by a dangerous couple, and must work together to outsmart their captors and survive the night.
回复 :夜深人静,档案局老馆长余望然(郭九龙 饰)见到一个红衣女鬼,随后突发心脏病去世。次日,老馆长的孙子余辉(李威 饰)从现任馆长手中接到了爷爷生前最后时刻看的书《红楼史话》,书中夹了一张民国时期美丽女子的照片,余辉的思绪霎时间被带到了遥远的民国北平。在红楼值班的老余和哥们请碟仙,结果招来了一个自称叫胡司仁的冤魂,他倾诉了自己的冤屈,最后交给老余三块大洋,嘱咐他去趟胡家峪找他的女儿胡妹(梅俪儿 饰),好让自己安然下葬。心有余悸的老余找到儿子望然,无论如何让他去一趟胡家峪,几经辗转他终于来到这片荒凉所在,并和胡妹约定查找老胡的骸骨和事件真相。而在此过程中,红楼接二连三发生灵异事件,可怕的秘密悄然复出水面……
回复 :Dark Spell is a story about the girl named Zhenya who suffers from being in love with her husband that has left her, so she decides to bring him back. Desperate heroine casts a spell called "Black Wedding", which is a magical ritual known for its great power and irreversibility. After the ritual, her beloved husband comes back, although his love becomes more like an obsession: he is even ready to kill Zhenya, so as not to give her to anyone. When the maddened husband dies, the spell does not stop: because even death will not part those who were betrothed by the demon of black wedding.