回复 :人到中年的耶稣丧妻后跟儿子耶子、表弟有喜在香港海边的乡下开了一间取名天堂的餐厅。在耶稣乐观豁达的性格影响下,Ken、Boyson、Barbie和阿娇都喜欢聚集在天堂餐厅
回复 :春野一家人住在宁静祥和的小山村,他们的生活恬淡幸福,不过家族成员却各有各的烦恼。祖父(我修院達也 饰)性格古怪,行为乖张,醉心于私动画的制作;父亲(三浦友和 饰)是一位驻家催眠治疗师,他专心工作,无暇他顾;妻子美子(手塚理美 饰)总算暂时从育子的繁忙生活中解脱出来,于是决定重拾餐桌卡的绘画工作。夫妻俩鲜少交流,隔阂暗生;就读中学的长子阿一(佐藤貴広 饰)恋上新来的转校生,他徘徊犹豫,始终不敢表达;刚上小学的女儿幸子(坂野真弥 饰)总以为自己的头颅在不断变大,这个奇怪的幻想让她倍感困扰。吊儿郎当的叔叔(浅野忠信 饰)从东京回来,为这个平凡却又有些奇怪的家庭吹进一丝生气……
回复 :In this notorious Nazi propaganda historical costume melodrama, a conniving, ambitious Jewish businessman, Suess Oppenheimer, snares a post as treasurer to the Duke of Wurttemburg by showering the corrupt duke with treasure and promises of even greater riches. As the Jew's schemes grow more elaborate and his actions more brazen, the dukedom nearly erupts into civil war. Persuaded by the Jew, the Duke all but scuttles the constitution and alienates the assembly by lifting the local ban on Jews in Stuttgart. In a final outrage, the Jew rapes a wholesome German girl and tortures her father and fiancee. When the Duke succumbs to a sudden heart attack, the assembly of Elders try the Jew and sentence him to death for having "carnal knowledge of a Christian woman."Summary written by Kevin Rayburn