雷霆10-part drama set in 1930s London focusing on Robert Jekyll, the grandson of the original doctor. The show will follow Robert Jekyll's quest to discover his real identity and the true nature of his family's cursed history.
雷霆10-part drama set in 1930s London focusing on Robert Jekyll, the grandson of the original doctor. The show will follow Robert Jekyll's quest to discover his real identity and the true nature of his family's cursed history.
回复 :Amazon以同名播客节目改编的半纪录片剧《#传说# Lore》获续订第二季,第二季暂时据报是6集,预定18年秋季上线。
回复 :故事讲述一个迫降的外星人哈利(图代克饰)在接受了自己科罗拉多小镇医生的新身份后,本带着秘密使命来到地球的他,最终提出了人生中的重大课题:人类值得拯救吗?以及为什么他们在吃披萨之前要折叠?
回复 :The story of England's longest ruling dynasty, starting with Henry II and ending with Richard III.英国历史上享国最长的王朝, 起自亨利二世, 终于理查三世.